Monday, May 4, 2020

May the 4th be with you!

Susie has had a busy past few days. She was granted the pleasure of family visits in her room which has made her very tired.  Being able to touch your loved ones without the glass between you brings a whole new level of reality to the situation.

The nurses have pulled her visitor card to make her rest for a couple of days and her phone will be off too.

Continued prayers for peaceful comfort for Susie and family are appreciated.

Give today a purpose

Treat today with the respect it deserves. Give it a clear purpose.
If you’re not sure what you intend to do, you’ll waste the most precious resource you have, which is time. When you know exactly what you must do, you’re highly likely to get it done.
Define your goals for this day, and provide all the details. Every specific detail creates a platform upon which you can take action.
Give this day a purpose and give yourself the enthusiasm and energy to live it well. Entice yourself into sustained productive action by being clear about where that action will lead.
You have one opportunity to live this day. Make the most of that opportunity by being clear about what you intend to do with it.
At the conclusion of this day, vast potential rewards await you. Bring those rewards to life by seeing them, clearly and in specific detail, right now.
— Ralph Marston

Honoring a beautiful lady - Arrangements

On May 31, 2020, Susie succumbed to a fast growing metastatic cancer that was diagnosed in mid-March.  Susie was born to Wayn...