Sunday, April 26, 2020

Satisfying Sunday

I spoke with Susie today. She has had visits from Frank and John this weekend. Frank always checks to make sure she has everything she wants and needs.  Rebecca has kept her in her favorite candy.

She has finally relaxed in her new surroundings and even started on a new floral cross stitch project. Today she had a nap which she rarely does but says she enjoyed it and may take another one. Susie chooses to focus on her “I can list” which is encouraging to her.

She thanks you for your continued thoughts, prayers and cards!

I hope each of you have a safe and healthy week ahead.

Long way to go

You can’t do all that must be done. Yet you can do something.
So go ahead, and do something, now, and whenever you can. Don’t let the overwhelming nature of the challenge compromise your ability to make real, meaningful progress.
You’ll never learn every detail you’d like to know. Yet you can always learn something, and then learn more.
There’s always room for improvement. So go ahead and improve, yourself, your world, the lives of those around you.
Though you won’t ever have all the answers, you can find more and more each day. When the road ahead is long, steep, and winding, take the next step.
In fact, choose to be thankful that you have a long way to go. And with love, with purpose, with curiosity and enthusiasm, keep going.
— Ralph Marston
previousEnvision, imagine, dream, love       

Honoring a beautiful lady - Arrangements

On May 31, 2020, Susie succumbed to a fast growing metastatic cancer that was diagnosed in mid-March.  Susie was born to Wayn...