Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Loan Yourself Some Energy

Prayers for Susie and the family are a great thing. The days are difficult and Susie rests most of the day. Please pray for strength and comfort for all. I spoke with Susie last week which was a joy. Her conversations are few now as her body goes through this process. I thought these words below were fitting for the day.
Thanks for caring and praying. I also wanted to post the number of views as this has always made Susie smile and be excited over how many people care.

Loan yourself some energy

If you don’t have much energy, start to use whatever energy you do have. You’re sure to get more.
When you can’t muster the enthusiasm to take action, go ahead and take action anyway. The enthusiasm will come.
Whatever you must do, you don’t have to wait to feel like it. Because very quickly, what you do will change the way you feel.
Loan yourself some enthusiasm, some energy, some hopefulness, some ambition. You’ll soon be paying yourself back, with interest.
Rise up, literally, physically, stand straight, look forward. Change the quality of your experience and you’ll immediately change the state of your attitude, of your spirit.
You can feel the way you choose to feel, the way you choose to act. So choose to feel vigorous, energetic, and purposeful by acting that way, and give life all the good things you can give it.
— Ralph Marston

Honoring a beautiful lady - Arrangements

On May 31, 2020, Susie succumbed to a fast growing metastatic cancer that was diagnosed in mid-March.  Susie was born to Wayn...